A survey of consumers found that 45% of respondents admitted to never thinking about how their products were made and delivered before the pandemic. Find out more about the perfect storm here.

This articles talks to a less surprising trend, i.e the issues global supply chains faced during the pandemic. Less surprising given the number of news articles that touched on supply chain issues. The article highlights that most regular consumers did not know what the supply chain does until they started to notice regular consumer products like toilet paper not being available in supermarkets.
The article calls out that a lot of supply chain experts were caught blind sighted by the enormous supply shocks that hit almost every finished goods product globally , this coupled with some classical supply chain practises around holding just-in-time inventories meant some businesses truly felt the brunt of the pandemic due to supply chain issues.
Furthermore, post-pandemic, companies are investing more into their supply chains to overcome, mitigate and improve the agility of their critical supply chains not just to their suppliers but extending out to tier 2 and 3 suppliers.
Supply Logis can conduct supply chain risk mapping for your business to determine critical processes in your supply chain and also recommend mitigation strategies . Our review looks at your processes, people, technological capabilities and business structure to determine the main areas to focus. Furthermore,we can deliver a phased plan to better setup your supply chain not just for pandemics but for the most likely macro-level events that may impact your business planning.